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Curriculum overview

At Eastwood, we believe in the importance of creating a vibrant, rich, inclusive and experiential curriculum, within and beyond the classroom, which focuses on developing transferrable, life-long skills. We are constantly striving to offer the very best to our pupils, enabling them to become successful, independent learners and future citizens.

We plan a bespoke, unique curriculum based around the National Curriculum with a strong focus on reading to meet the needs of our learners and local context. Subject specific content is delivered through themes in a progressive, sequential way with a clear focus on end goals and embedded learning.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced, creative and bespoke to the needs of our learners. Using the National Curriculum as its base, and the order of objectives as set out in the Focus Key Assessment Criteria, we ensure that our curriculum is responsive to the needs of our learners and to our community context.

We have a text-driven, thematic approach across the year planned out in 3 termly units. Within each unit, teachers plan subject blocks to ensure coverage and depth of learning around the themes beginning with a local area focus in the Autumn term, moving to a national focus in Spring and a global focus in the Summer term.

PHSCE, Oracy, Learning Outside the Classroom and fostering a love of Reading are interwoven throughout each unit and year group. Our thematic approach ensures that our pupils learn coherently and are able to retain and build on core knowledge as they grow and develop during their time with us. This effectively prepares them for the next stage of their education. Teaching and learning approaches (pedagogy) are adapted by our skilled, well-trained staff to respond to the needs of each individual child, class and year group to ensure rapid, secure progress is enabled every single day.

Our phonics scheme is Rocket Phonics, validated by the DfE. We adhere to our SACRE determination and Local Authority guidance for Religious Education and RSE. We use the REAL PE scheme to support our PE provision.

Should you have any queries or questions about our curriculum or how it is delivered, please contact school and we will be happy to support you.


Curriculum Offer

Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives

Curriculum Overview

At Eastwood, we believe in the importance of creating a vibrant, rich, inclusive and experiential curriculum, within and beyond the classroom, which focuses on developing transferrable, life-long skills.

Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives

School of Sanctuary

Here at Eastwood we want everyone to feel safe, welcomed and included. That's why we're working towards becoming an officially recognised School of Sanctuary.

Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives

Community partnerships

By collaborating with other schools and community groups we can achieve more for local children.

Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives

Outdoor learning

Learning outside the classroom is a core component of our curriculum offer. We are committed to facilitating a whole host of outdoor learning activities linked to our themes as well as bringing learning to life through curriculum linked visits, experiences and visitors.

Great educationcan

Great educationcan

The Eastwood Family Centre

Our Family Centre is a hub of activity for our local community as well as our pupils and families.

Curriculum Overview
School of Sanctuary
Community partnerships
Outdoor learning
The Eastwood Family Centre